Success starts in the head?

Success starts in the mind, and it’s simple: to succeed is to serve. Any successful person does not do it for their ego as such. It is impossible. You don’t have success for yourself because it doesn’t lead to anything else really deep. Success becomes complete when you help someone succeed. The happiest people are the ones who manage to share their success.

An inscription in the ancient temple of Apollo at Delphi warned: “Know thyself. But what is this knowledge? How can you attain this knowledge and what would you do with it? These questions are the essence of psychology.

Some psychologists compare everyday life to a plan in which we wear different masks or play different roles before different audiences. In fact, the word personality comes from the Latin word persona, which means “mask.

First of all, psychology is a relatively young science, dating back to the end of the 19th century, when an Austrian doctor by the name of Sigmund Freud was the first to talk about the conscious and the unconscious as well as psychoanalysis. He was laying the first foundations of modern psychology.

Then there was John B. Watson with behaviorism who explained that human behavior is the result of learning. At the beginning of the century, Jean Piaget with his theory of logical thought allowed us to make the link between Freud’s psychoanalysis and Watson’s behaviorism.

A need for self-realization

Then there was Abraham Maslow with his pyramid of human needs and Carl Rogers with his humanistic theory which emphasized the importance of active listening and the importance of creating a meaningful bond between the psychologist and his client.

We look at the world through our eyes, and our personality traits analyze what we see. So the world is not what it is but what we are. Everyone sees the world according to their own personality.

Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, those three friends from the beginning of the century who laid the foundations of our modern psychology, also saw the world in their own way. For Carl Jung: Freud was an extrovert and Adler an introvert.

According to Freud, the goal of a person’s psychological growth was to find gratification in the world of external reality. Whereas for Adler, a person’s psychological growth was much more enhanced when he or she was able to overcome the feelings of helplessness expressed in the notion of an inferiority complex. For him, personal growth was inside the person rather than outside.

So: two different personalities, two different world views.

More and more scientists believe that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution could explain our differences in personality. Jung admired Darwin, from his early days of researching personality types, he believed that the different personalities had an evolutionary basis.

It was clear to him that the human race had survived its extinction because of its different personalities. He believed that each personality type needed to live in harmony with its own personality in order to flourish.

When put together in groups, each personality type brought greater strength to the group as a whole, which allowed the species to survive. So our world needs all types of personality to survive and be better.

Embellish your life… and that of others!

I think you become someone when you succeed in making other people’s lives better. By the same token, our own lives are also enhanced. The worst thing that can happen to someone is to be alone on their deathbed because they never thought about others in their life. Because he did not know how to love and give. It is, I think, the worst thing that can happen to a person. I am convinced that love heals everything.

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